Call for Papers


The organization of the 2nd Imaginary Colloquy - New challenges, new epistemologies is officially receiving papers of presentations in the category Oral Communication Conferences. From 03.19.11 to 05.31.11, bilingual (English and Portuguese) abstracts must be submitted, according to the theme chosen from the relation presented:

We present the steps and rules for abstract submission, conference and publication below:


General guidelines

Each participant can submit one or two works as an author. In the case of a second work, it will be added a 50% fee in the inscription. The participant can also be co-author of other two works.    
Each application can have, at last, three authors, being the first name, the main author, and the other two, co-authors. Authors and co-authors must sign up in the Colloquy.


a)      The abstracts will be presented in Portuguese and English (bilingual), OBLIGATORILY, font Times New Roman, size 12, single-line spacing, justified paragraph up to 300 words, with 03 key-words, indicating clearly the theme to which the abstract is being submitted to;
b)      The bilingual files (Portuguese and English) must have titles in uppercase letters; name of the author (s) (at last, three) and Institution – example: João SANTOS – Universidade de Brasília; introduction; objectives; methodology; expected results/results; final considerations, without quotations or references;
c)      The works will be analyzed according to their: originality, scientific nature and adequate vernacular;
d)     The abstracts must be submitted from 03.19.11 to 05.31.11 (7 p.m. Brasília Time);
e)      The result will be sent by each Theme Coordinator – via email, through the acceptance letter until 06.12.2011. The letter will inform about the date and time of each conference;
f)       The abstracts accepted will be published in the event electronic Annals, Section 1    

 Important: The accepted and non accepted works will receive, via email, information about the status of the evaluation.  


a)      Participants whose works were accepted will have 15 minutes to present the work, exclusively in the form of oral communication (Portuguese or English) with the use of multimedia resources: computer, projector, audio and video. Any other resource can be used. After presentation, the coordinator of each room will set some time up for discussion in groups (at last 4 participants per group);
b)      Only the authors who are really registered in the event and who really made the conference will receive certificates;


a)      The full papers will be published electronically in Section 2 of the Annals, and they must have at last 07 pages (they can be written in Portuguese or English): font Times New Roman; size 12; single-line spacing, justified paragraphs, written with Microsoft Word; 1,25 cm (for paragraphs); A4 page; top and button margin (2,5 cm), left margin (3,0 cm), right margin (2,0 cm), header and footer (1,5) with margin;
b)      The files related to the full paper WILL NOT BE REVISED, being the author(s) entirely responsible. They must be submitted until 07.03.2011 to the Theme Coordinator, according to what is indicated below. After that time, texts will be considered invalid;
c)      The full papers must have: Title; author (s) and Institution (in the same format of the abstract); introduction; development with the presentation of proposals; general and specific objectives; methodology; expected results/results; considerations; bibliographical references; author information with address and email for contact.