sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

II Imaginary Coloquium

Versão em Português
Versión en Español



New challenges, new epistemologies
3 to 5 August 2011.
Location: Kennedy Institute - Natal / RN
          Presentation:The Imaginary Colloquium: borders, challenges and multiple perspectives had its first milestone in Martins-RN, in 2009, in which various educational institutions such as the Physical Education Courses (UERN / Pau dos Irons and Mossley); Economy (UERN / Pau dos Irons) Social Sciences (UERN / Mossley) Philosophy (UERN / Caicó and Mossley) Nursing (UERN / Caicó and Mossley) Dentistry (UERN / Caico), Sport Sciences (UTAD / Portugal), Media and Arts (UFPB / Joao Pessoa), the FARN (Natal); CEFET (Ipanguaçu), among others, discussed the imagery from different perspectives.From this perspective, is pondering on the idea of ​​the frontier, especially checked for their break / construction / deconstruction, analyzing and incorporating their challenges and treating it with a call that looks multifocality (SOUZA, 2009, p. 06)More punctual, the Colloquium of the Imaginary[...] Tried to share, and merge the complexity present in the imagination in various practice areas of society, diverging even this complexity. This happened under the guidance and challenge of thinking that considers the imagery from the experiences in different areas of knowledge that are present here.Thus, exploring the dimensions of this and questioning the reality, but to seek alternatives to weave the problems that afflict man and its social dimension, the debates were waged. (Op. cit., P. 08) [1]          Discussions and presented perspectives on the imaginary, approached from 06 (six) themes: imagination in sports / activities on nature / adventure / risk, social imaginary imaginary political, economic and educational imaginary health; literary imagination and imagination poetical, imaginary communication, has produced an extension / dissemination of different views about the imaginary production that materialized in this book - Imaginary: borders, challenges and multiple looks.Considering this brief presentation of the first version of Colloquy, the project now appears that sees the continuation of discussions on the imaginary, now in the form of an international event, trying to extend it in its various dimensions.The II - Imaginary Colloquium: new structures, new epistemologies, discuss the imagery comes not from a perspective of view, but considering the interrelationships that occur around there, why not say, in a context of complementarity rather than a reductionist view. Thus, the interpretations would be from what Durand apud Carvalho (sd) calls multireferecials, which exemplifies interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and metadisciplinaridade.This parameter, it will seek to articulate speech and knowledge of different contexts - local, regional, national and international dialogues in an attempt to establish theoretical and interinstitiucionais in order to "strengthen ties" does not need a consensus, but from dissent, and that we build, view and review the perspectives on the issues of imagination, something so ubiquitous and so far in the understanding of us humans. This far because we have and because we know we are possessed. Knowing possession is a condition that what appears as present, be understood as something that penetrates us, and just knowing that we can penetrate us have, that we may be aware that we can be even penetrated, the subject of our own existence.

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